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Joining a Travelers Club
Josiah Wiebe avatar
Written by Josiah Wiebe
Updated over 5 years ago

Before You Start

Joining an LTV Travelers Club requires a MyLTV account. If you don't already have a MyLTV account, please follow these instructions to create one.

How to Join a Club

  • First, you'll have to log in to your MyLTV account.

  • After you've logged in, you'll see a menu on the left hand side of the page, it should look something like this:

  • Click on Travelers Club to get to the club page. If you're already a member of a club, you'll see information about your club here. If you're not a member, you should see something like this:

  • Click Select a Travelers Club and choose the club that you'd like to join. If you don't know which club you'd like to join, please read more about the different clubs.

  • Once you've selected the club, click Join.ย 

  • You should see a popup that looks something like this:

  • Click Edit Your Settings. You will be redirected to your Settings page where you can choose to share your information with other members. By default, your information is not shared.

  • If you'd like other members of your club to be able to see your contact information, choose Share my information with members of my club

  • Click Save

  • That's it! Welcome to the club!

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