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Club Leaders Tools

Are you a club leader? Learn how to manage and communicate with your chapter members

Mike Elias avatar
Written by Mike Elias
Updated over a week ago

The Club Leader Tools page is designed to help chapter heads manage and communicate with all members of their chapter. (Note: This page is only visible to club leaders of Leisure Travelers Clubs.)

The tools on this page include: 

  • Club Profile – Here you can update your club profile, which shows up near the top of the Travelers Club page within MyLTV as well as on your public-facing club page. This is a great place to tell existing and prospective members what your club is all about. What types of events you plan, how often you meet, and a bit about the personality of your club and members!

  • Profile Picture – Update your profile picture here. This picture is shown on your MyLTV club page as well as your public-facing club page.

  • Important – Please make sure you hit the green “Save” button found near the bottom of your screen to save your changes.

  • Email Blast – This tool makes it easy to send an email to all registered members of your club. You can even upload an attachment or image if you would like. (Note: This email will be sent to club members who have registered with MyLTV, and have their email notification settings set to on. This is why it is important to encourage your members to sign up for MyLTV!)

  • Rally Expenses – Submit rally expenses using the form provided. (Note: In order for your club to be reimbursed for rally expenses, LTV requires a rally recap or story to have been posted on the blog. This gives other LTV owners a chance to see what your club has been up to, as well as any members that were unable to attend!)

  • Name Tags – Download printable name tags of all members in your club. These name tags have been designed to fit in standard badge holders (4” x 3”), available at most stationery stores.

  • Member List – Download a list of all of your registered members in .csv format for use in excel.

  • Invite – Invite members of your club to register for a MyLTV account. Simply enter their name, email and hit “Invite” and they will receive an email with instructions on how to register.

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